Pro Level Surfboards

You surf great… any break, any conditions. You throw more spray than Fireman Sam and you’re a seasoned traveller. You have a quiver to die for but are always searching for the extra bit of flair and performance that comes with new technologies, innovation, and radical designs.



Pyzel White Tiger


Ocean Magic Eurobullet


ocean magic longboard surfboard performance mal in all white with black logo

Ocean Magic Performance Mal


nigel semmens neutron surfboard in white with black rails

Nigel Semmens Neutron


Nigel Semmens Comet


nigel semmens hazzatron surfboard white

Nigel Semmens Hazzatron Squash Tail


nigel semmens bullet surfboard in white

Nigel Semmens Bullet


yellow big wave gun surfboard

Nigel Semmens Big Wave Guns


nigel semmens travel board surfboard in white

Nigel Semmens Travelboard


one bad egg surfboard in white by mark Phipps

Mark Phipps One Bad Egg


caviar surfboard in white by mark Phipps

Mark Phipps Caviar


Mark Phipps Cheeta




aipa dark twin surfboard white

AIPA The Dark Twinn


AIPA The Hitman


Mark Phipps MP Twin


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